
East Greenland, The Arctic Ocean (RV Kronprins Haakon)
Sea ice station, taking sea ice cores for dissolved methane concentrations, structural analysis, and environmental DNA.
2015 JunWest Spitsbergen Margin, The Arctic Ocean (Chief Scientist, RV Helmer Hanssen)
Deployment of ocean floor observatory; observations of methane flares; acquisition of bathymetry data; underway CH4, CO2, and CO measurements in the air (PICARRO); CTD stations; water sampling (CH4, nutrients, methane oxidation rates); gas analyses in seawater.  
2015 MayWest Spitsbergen Margin and the Barents Sea, The Arctic Ocean (RV Helmer Hanssen)
CTD stations; water sampling; gas analyses in seawater and sediments (CH4 and heavier hydrocarbons); observations of methane flares; acquisition of bathymetry data; a survey of bottom water CH4 concentrations with CONTROS methane sensor mounted on WHOI tow camera system; a sampling of ocean sediments from multicorer.  
2015 Feb-MarNorwegian Young Sea ICE cruise, N-ICE2015, drift with sea ice in the European part of the Arctic Ocean (RV Lance)
CTD stations; water sampling; ice coring; sectioning of ice cores; sampling of melted ice water for CH4, CO2, N2O, Alkalinity, DIC, nutrients; CO2 fluxes with LI-COR chamber system from the surface of sea ice; CH4 fluxes with LI-COR open path analyzer mounted on eddy covariance system.  
2014 May-AugNorth-Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean (RV Helmer Hanssen)
CTD stations; water sampling (inorganic nutrients, CH4, CDOM); gas analyses in seawater and sediments (CH4 and heavier hydrocarbons); underway CH4, CO2 and CO measurements in the air (PICARRO); underway CH4, CO2 and CO measurements in surface ocean layer (PICARRO); handling sediment cores from multicorer and gravity corer.  
2012 JulThe Arctic Ocean marginal ice zone (RV Lance)
CTD stations; water sampling for inorganic nutrients and CDOM; water filtration from multinet.  
2010 Jun-Jul  EPOCA Arctic Campaign, large scale mesocosm experiment, Kongsfjorden, Svalbard
Water sampling for DIC and alkalinity.  
2009 Jul-AugNorth-Atlantic (RV G.O. Sars)
Water sampling for DIC and alkalinity and consequent analysis of these samples with SOMMA and VINDTA systems; ship-based CO2 perturbation experiment.