2020 Nov | East Greenland, The Arctic Ocean (RV Kronprins Haakon) Sea ice station, taking sea ice cores for dissolved methane concentrations, structural analysis, and environmental DNA. |
2015 Jun | West Spitsbergen Margin, The Arctic Ocean (Chief Scientist, RV Helmer Hanssen) Deployment of ocean floor observatory; observations of methane flares; acquisition of bathymetry data; underway CH4, CO2, and CO measurements in the air (PICARRO); CTD stations; water sampling (CH4, nutrients, methane oxidation rates); gas analyses in seawater. |
2015 May | West Spitsbergen Margin and the Barents Sea, The Arctic Ocean (RV Helmer Hanssen) CTD stations; water sampling; gas analyses in seawater and sediments (CH4 and heavier hydrocarbons); observations of methane flares; acquisition of bathymetry data; a survey of bottom water CH4 concentrations with CONTROS methane sensor mounted on WHOI tow camera system; a sampling of ocean sediments from multicorer. |
2015 Feb-Mar | Norwegian Young Sea ICE cruise, N-ICE2015, drift with sea ice in the European part of the Arctic Ocean (RV Lance) CTD stations; water sampling; ice coring; sectioning of ice cores; sampling of melted ice water for CH4, CO2, N2O, Alkalinity, DIC, nutrients; CO2 fluxes with LI-COR chamber system from the surface of sea ice; CH4 fluxes with LI-COR open path analyzer mounted on eddy covariance system. |
2014 May-Aug | North-Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean (RV Helmer Hanssen) CTD stations; water sampling (inorganic nutrients, CH4, CDOM); gas analyses in seawater and sediments (CH4 and heavier hydrocarbons); underway CH4, CO2 and CO measurements in the air (PICARRO); underway CH4, CO2 and CO measurements in surface ocean layer (PICARRO); handling sediment cores from multicorer and gravity corer. |
2012 Jul | The Arctic Ocean marginal ice zone (RV Lance) CTD stations; water sampling for inorganic nutrients and CDOM; water filtration from multinet. |
2010 Jun-Jul | EPOCA Arctic Campaign, large scale mesocosm experiment, Kongsfjorden, Svalbard Water sampling for DIC and alkalinity. |
2009 Jul-Aug | North-Atlantic (RV G.O. Sars) Water sampling for DIC and alkalinity and consequent analysis of these samples with SOMMA and VINDTA systems; ship-based CO2 perturbation experiment. |